Monday, February 28, 2011

Pack it up. Pack it in.

I grew up in So Cal and always knew that I would end up back here. I do not handle winter well. Here is one such story about me and winter. I was on the university campus. I just got out of class and was walking to my car. I was bundled up in my long sleeved shirt, sweatshirt, jacket, gloves, and hat. The wind began to blow. I tried to distract myself by spelling the things I saw in sign language. Tree (T-R-E-E in American Sign Language). Sounds genius, right? Surprisingly, it didn't work as well as I had hoped. You know what? I am having flashbacks. Lets just end it here by saying I cried. I was so cold walking on campus that I began crying. Like, the ugly cry. And it happened more than once. I stayed for years after graduating from school. I have fantastic friends and I really loved my job. These aspects of life kept me living in the extreme seasons for longer than I may otherwise would have.

After a trip to India, I made the concrete decision to move to Southern California. Being in India helped me to realize and appreciate all of the options that are allotted to me in my life. And I felt a need to act on the options I had been thinking about. (India is a novel of experiences in itself, so I will just keep it at this for now.)

My friend, Nessy, did the first half of the drive with me. We were packed in my car to the max. It was ridiculous.

How she was able to get some shut eye, I do not know. We did some car dancing. We sang at the top of our lungs. We listened to Family Guy and The Hangover soundbites and laughed hysterically. It got a bit dangerous because it is difficult to laugh that hard and concentrate on the road at the same time. (As a side note, Nessy is hilarious. Sometimes when I see funny things I think about how Nes would react if she were there. Many times it makes the same event even more funny. Most of the time I just call her and she laughs like she is witnessing it first hand. Its AWESOME.)

I stopped and hung out with the beautiful Pettigrews. I met their brand new little girl, Claire. She is adorable and I am so proud of Chrissie and Chris and the people they are. I love them and how loved they make me feel. I am sad that The Bean and Rom Rom were not there, but hopefully I will get to see them soon.

I woke up the next morning at 5am. Laying in that bed is literally the most comfortable I have ever been in my entire life! I headed the rest of the way to Cali...and here I am... The drive was beautiful!

Rocking the parents' house... every 29 year old's dream...

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Friends are good.

I have decided that since I have some amazingly super amazing friends I should give this blog a taste of what I get everyday. My plan (and hopefully I will follow through) is to post my favorite text from the week...let me do a quick scan...

"Note, gun, go to federal prison, make friends with the head drug dealer......I got it down.... And you better believe I ain't no snitch......... So it seems like it will all work out...... Life is sooooo simple sometimes."

Thursday, February 24, 2011

A little bit of me.

So here I am. Miss Jaime Marie. I am what many people call "amazing." I am not sure if a blog is a good place for me to portray all that is me, but I have a few friends who have asked (and by asked I mean insisted) for me to write this little blogger. I have recently moved from Northern Utah (cold inversion filled winters) to Southern California (pretty much sunny everyday.) I guess this blog is a way for people to make sure that I am still alive. That I have not been murdered in a ghetto alley somewhere or decided to get some medicinal marijuana and smoke my days away...tempting....

Scandal Behind My Eyes...Here we are. Can you see it? The scandal, I mean? Some have called it "mischief." Another said it is "happiness." (English IS his 2nd language.) My mom said it's "fun." The day I realized that I wasn't conveying pure innocence and virtue was a day that rocked me. It rocked the party that rocks my body. It is weird to have a view of yourself, but after one week of pure blissful cruising in the Caribbean, I walked away a bit confused. I started asking around. Apparently everyone knew but me. I was the last person to find out that there is scandal behind my eyes. One friend even showed me a picture asking, "Really? You can't see that?" I guess I could...I can. And so here I am. One scandalous girl that is involved in very little scandal.