Thursday, February 24, 2011

A little bit of me.

So here I am. Miss Jaime Marie. I am what many people call "amazing." I am not sure if a blog is a good place for me to portray all that is me, but I have a few friends who have asked (and by asked I mean insisted) for me to write this little blogger. I have recently moved from Northern Utah (cold inversion filled winters) to Southern California (pretty much sunny everyday.) I guess this blog is a way for people to make sure that I am still alive. That I have not been murdered in a ghetto alley somewhere or decided to get some medicinal marijuana and smoke my days away...tempting....

Scandal Behind My Eyes...Here we are. Can you see it? The scandal, I mean? Some have called it "mischief." Another said it is "happiness." (English IS his 2nd language.) My mom said it's "fun." The day I realized that I wasn't conveying pure innocence and virtue was a day that rocked me. It rocked the party that rocks my body. It is weird to have a view of yourself, but after one week of pure blissful cruising in the Caribbean, I walked away a bit confused. I started asking around. Apparently everyone knew but me. I was the last person to find out that there is scandal behind my eyes. One friend even showed me a picture asking, "Really? You can't see that?" I guess I could...I can. And so here I am. One scandalous girl that is involved in very little scandal.