Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Its all in the prism.

I was driving home after a lovely meet up with my beautiful friend, Anna. I was gellin' out to some Mumford and Sons and The Head and The Heart. Letting my mind wander where it wanted to. I was just allowing myself to enjoy the relaxing drive home. I was cruising at a steady 75 mph in a middle lane on I-15. An SUV abruptly passed me on the right. They then slowed way down so that they were next to me.

Now, as a side track to this story, I have been complaining that men will pull up next to me and stare at me, smile, wave, and continue to drive right next to me... for miles. And yes, this does happen to me quite often, nearly everyday. (It makes sense...the '96 Geo Prism reels them in every time.) What exactly do they think is going to happen? Do they think I am going to flash them? We aren't sharing some special connection. It makes no sense to me whatsoever.

Now back to the evening at hand. We drove side by side for about 15 seconds before I turned to look. There was an attractive man driving this other vehicle. I had a good 5 years on him, but he was very good looking. He was trying to get my attention. I became concerned thinking there was something wrong with my car and so he is trying to flag me down to draw my attention to it. He had his window down and was mouthing (or possibly yelling) his words very deliberately. I did not understand what he was trying to tell me. I mouthed, "What?" He began again, very slowly, "YOU........ARE......PRETTY....." I straight LOLed at this and responded, "Thank you." He then, again slowly, mouthed, "DO YOU WANT TO GET A DRINK?" He raised his hand to his mouth and mimed like he was drinking. I shook my head and said "No, thank you." He snapped his fingers as if to say, "Ah shucks." He waved goodbye, I waved back, and he sped ahead. I thought to myself, "I love you Southern California."

So, I just got asked out while traveling at 75 mph on I-15. Did that just happen? I declined his offer without really thinking about it (which is a pattern I am trying to break.) I still would have given the same response even after thinking about it. I was tired and had to be up early the next morning. But it got me thinking. Am I the kind of the girl that would say yes to that offer? I think I might be. My pre-blog persona would probably have said "absolutely not." But now that I have brought attention to the mischievous side of myself and created this desire to have entertaining stories to share...I think Jaime Boots just may be that kind of girl. Makin' it happen and heatin' things up.

This is the soundtrack to the story.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Friends are amazing.

This week there was no competition. Hands down this is the text that made me laugh hardest. (There was a ridiculously awesome picture sent to me...but I thought I would stick strictly to texts for now.)

"So I hate work really bad and was trying to find the positives of it...the biggest positive is working with kids, the second is that I am not married to any of my co-workers and will never have to see them naked."

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Dirty Thirty Utard Style.

What a fantastic weekend...
Happy Birthday Jenessa! I love you!

Below are two word statements that, as a whole, sum up the weekend. Some of the descriptions mean exactly what is written. Others you have to use your imagination, and then make it more immature...and then extend it for an entire weekend and add a soundtrack of laughter...


St. George
Claire Bear
No Judgment
Happy Birthday
Dirty Thirty
Ink Stain
Jaime wins!!!!!!!!
junk food
in trouble
not allowed
knife you
spaz train
good friends
good times
eeee awwww
just dance
diet coke
twelvie humor
bumper boats
jump in?
soaking wet
not drunk?
kicked out
parental hatred
too much!
laughing hard
almost vomited
can't breath
frozen Twinkies
The Grudge
Ink Factory
Photo Op
I'm Jason
waitress high?
Domino Scandal
Judgment free!

I could hit repeat on the weekend... I love mis amigas!!!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Friends are fantastic.

I had such a plethora of hilarious texts to choose from this week...I would classify it as redonkulous! My life is so difficult. This is the hardest decision of my day. Here is what I went with. (Slightly inappropriate...but such is life. Well, my life at least.)

"We know this.......only a few select people can handle my drunken-ness, and I mean a select few...........not everyone is down with me vomiting on public transportation, having some crazy indian ladies trash talkin, dancing at coyote ugly, dry humping your leg to the song "I wanna make love in this club"........the few, the proud.........the jaime's........."

Thursday, March 17, 2011

He may be a little old.

I frequently joke about finding myself a Sugar Daddy. When offered one, I felt surprisingly uncomfortable. This proposition begs the question; does he have old money or new money? Don't worry about me out here in Cali, boys and girls, he is "very healthy" and will take good care of me. Ewwwwww.......
Maybe he recognized me from my
sugardaddyforme.com profile.

(Here is one famous sugar daddy)
This is a real sugar daddy!

But if I change my mind and date him, don't judge me. Well, you can judge me a little.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Friends are grand.

"I either want suicide or spring break... I would take either"

I am very happy that spring break is rapidly approaching!

I HAD to add an addendum to this post because it was just too funny. The same friend who sent me the above text, posted the following status update on Facebook:

"Spring Break is like leaving an abusive relationship...enjoy it will it lasts, but you know you're going back..."

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Stranger danger.

Jaime enters Walmart and heads straight for the greeting cards. This is the only thing on her list. "Buy a card." She checks her list of "Junk to do" just to make sure. Yes. That is all that she needs to purchase. She peruses the cards. Mostly duds. She finds herself in the little kid cards, this is right up her intelligence level.

A mom with her son (approximately 4 years old) are looking for a card as well.

The mom picks up a card and reads it. Then closes it to reread it to her son.

Random mom: "Happy Birthday Brother" [she opens the card] "You're the coolest!" That is a good one. You can get this card for your brother.

Kid: Uhhhh..... but he isn't cool.

Random mom: Yes he is. Be nice.

Kid: No mom. I am cool. And he...he just isn't...

Jaime: You've gotta respect the honesty.

Random mom: [silence and awkward stare. 1 one thousand 2 one thousand 3 one thousand] We will just get this one. [Mom pushes the cart out of the aisle.]

Kid: We shouldn't. I am telling you... HE ISN'T COOL!!!

I, for one, believe the kid!

Here is a little gem that I found and thought was AMAZING! So applicable to so many families...

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Friends are great.

I have already run into a snag with my favorite text of the week. You see, while my friends are very entertaining, they are not always what many would deem "appropriate." This week my favorite text was hilarious, but if I censored it then it wouldn't even make sense... so this was another text that made me laugh.

"I care less than you. I win."

If you guess who it is from, I really will send you a prize...a way good prize... so good that it should probably be characterized as a "prize." (No, you cannot guess if you are the one who sent the text.)