Friday, September 16, 2011

The girl with the orange sunglasses.

When I first moved back to So Cal, I went to this gas station near my house. The worker inside the store said, "I like your shades." I turned around and looked at the guy behind me because I didn't think he was talking to me... not so good with the eye contact... He laughed awkwardly and said, "No. No. You. I like your sunglasses." I said, "Thank you" because I am totes polite to the max, and I went on my merry way.

Since this particular gas station has fountain drinks for $1, it has become a favorite place to purchase my drug of choice, Diet Coke. It takes a close second to McDonald's where they have the BEST Diet Coke ever. It is so delicious. I do not know what they do to it... but I hope they never stop.

Over the next few weeks when I went inside the convenience store he would comment, "The girl with the shades." Or something in the like. I would say hello, ask how he was. And that was all.

One day I came out of the store and he was parked, sitting in his car. He yelled, "Hey!" Getting my attention. I said, "Hey there... sweet ride." Because he was clearly very proud of his mode of transportation. It seemed really awkward and contrived, but whatever.

This is pretty much EXACTLY what it looked like...

Over the months I have seen him here and there and we have had polite, superficial, meaningless conversation. "Hello. How are you? Weekends off are good." Lame, pointless stuff like that.

Which brings us to today... Today I went into the store to purchase a delicious Diet Coke. I mixed a small amount of Diet Dr. Pepper in it because it kind of tastes like Ironport (I'm anemic.) Today I asked how he was doing. "Well, other than being hungover, I am good." I started talking about how Thursdays are a prime night to go out and do things. He agreed. He told me that he likes to start his weekends on Thursday and sleep it off on Sunday. I told him that I was recently in San Francisco (good times, by the way.) I mentioned that we were out on Sunday and there was a lot going on. Chocolate festivals, Autumn Moon Festival, live music in the streets. He commented about San Fran always having stuff going on. He mentioned that he really liked it there. I thought, "This is the most interesting conversation we have had to date." He must of thought so too because he took this as a green light to have the most "interesting" conversation we have had.

My instructions for this picture were "broken body"

He began talking about one of the reasons he likes going to San Francisco. There are a lot of gay people. I said, "Yeah, that's true. There are." I continued, "I am sure people thought my sister and I were a lesbian couple because we had her baby with us. I caught tourists filming us a few times." This quickly turned into comments of women making out with one another and how much he enjoys this. Then he spoke of his love for hot lesbians and watching them... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand the creepiness comes out...

How did I respond? I laughed of course.

People thought we were the cutest modern family.
Ashlee, Brando, and I

I am not sure how we turned to this topic so quickly. I am not sure why he felt a need to share this information. I mean, I could have guessed... it did not need to be spelled out to me. Who will I never be going to San Fran with? You guessed it, "The Asian Guy at the Mobil Station." (Yeah, no idea what his name is.)


  1. omg...that is my favorite ever. ever. and you do make a very cute modern family.

  2. thanks... we really do... amazing...

    I thought I would share a quick story: Yesterday I was driving with my window down and some guy standing on the sidewalk yelled, "I like your sunglasses!" I said, "Thank you." And then he waved at me as I drove the rest of the way down the street and out of sight. These glasses could get me a lot of play...
