Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Hey there my beautiful people. How are you feeling? It has been nearly a YEAR since I last wrote. My life is incredibly different in amazing, wonderful, thoughtful, surprising, and profound ways. A year... I can't believe it has been a year since I have written something for myself. It has been that long since I have recorded something from my own perspective. Too long since I have composed anything that has pure interest for me. A ridiculous amount of time since I have authored for the sole reason of joy.

(Deeeeeeeep Breath....)

That is way too long. In some ways I have been "busy" with incredible new events and people (ahem, person) in my life. And in many ways I spend so much non-creative boring time on the computer for my job, that I just want to close up shop before I murder myself.

Here is an example of the soul-sucking note writing I am required to do:

CFS attempted to lead client in role plays of being triggered by hearing no as a response to assist ct in the development of his relaxation techniques and coping skills. Client followed CFS in the participation of role plays where he is triggered by the word no and uses a coping skill rather than acting out to aid in his deescalation.

HOURS AND HOURS OF THIS BORING INPUT FOR NOTE AFTER NOTE... did you almost fall asleep reading it? Because I zoned out a little while I typed it.

While I input this unimaginative form of information and communication into the electronic database, my creativity fights as the bureaucracy sucks it's will to live.

My right brain is pushing back. I find my supervisors and coworkers commenting about loving to receive my emails because of the quips and anecdotes I mix in with the regurgitation of information. I have been helping my sister with the copy for her website (I would link to her if it was complete... but she is not yet ready to reveal her new self.) I have been doing more reading. All of this has helped me to remember that I love to write. It is an aspect of life that brings me fulfillment. 


  1. And back with a vengeance! WOOOOOOOO! Look. At. You. Little miss "I'm not creative". Keep 'em coming.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Replies
    1. I miss you... and we are coming for you... just need to save up a few (or 10) grand. We are going to take a month to tour Italy and Spain. Already excited to see you and meet Sullivan!

  4. i'm sure you have been waiting for this comment. that's all.
