Thursday, March 17, 2011

He may be a little old.

I frequently joke about finding myself a Sugar Daddy. When offered one, I felt surprisingly uncomfortable. This proposition begs the question; does he have old money or new money? Don't worry about me out here in Cali, boys and girls, he is "very healthy" and will take good care of me. Ewwwwww.......
Maybe he recognized me from my profile.

(Here is one famous sugar daddy)
This is a real sugar daddy!

But if I change my mind and date him, don't judge me. Well, you can judge me a little.


  1. i won't judge...just spread a little of the wealth this way. and you could consider taking up drinking or using drugs to make it less gross. just sayin'.

  2. I was thinking that if I did take on a Sugar Daddy, maybe I could get him to hook my friends and I up with a suite in Vegas for my Dirty 30.... then I thought it is weird that I am thinking about what some old man could buy me in exchange for "companionship."

  3. not's normal. clearly, the only way to logically approach said companionship with a sugar daddy would be some sort of "business" arrangement. and he knows it. he does.

  4. so true...I have decided that if propositioned again, I will go out with him one just makes for good blogging... hahaha

  5. and now that you have a blog you have to look for good material...i like the way you are've embraced the blogging just like i knew you would.
