Sunday, July 17, 2011

Feeling a little saucy.

I feel that I should inform you, my "followers", that I am feeling extra scandalous today. I am feeling mischievous. I am feeling that I want to misbehave...but I do not have an outlet at hand. What's a girl to do...?

mischievous cartoons, mischievous cartoon, mischievous picture, mischievous pictures, mischievous image, mischievous images, mischievous illustration, mischievous illustrations


  1. today would be a good day for you to sign up for online dating, then...just sayin'. you might need it.

  2. i agree with chelle! i loved the online dating thing :)

  3. You don't sign up for online dating when you feel like misbehaving... that is horrible advice. That is the EXACT reason I cannot do online dating... because of my mischievous ways. I would want to mess with people so bad. I don't do it because I care for the feelings of these men... well, some of them probably deserve it.

  4. Oh,and I never came up with anything scandalous to do that night. But I did stay up the ENTIRE night. I didn't go to bed until 8:30AM the next morning. It was ridiculous. Awesome, but ridiculous.

  5. Oh my gosh. I straight LOLed at this. And I'm still not signing up for online dating. But you keep changing lives in JJS!
