Thursday, June 16, 2011

I am so strong.

I had the bright idea to call Crossfit and get the 411 on my local chapter. I talked with a man named Nick. He was fantastic and answered all of my questions. We discussed Crossfit and how the people in each gym become a tight knit community. This is one of the reasons Crossfit appeals to me. To have friends that actually live near me. To have friends where we do something other than eat at social gatherings. I believe Nick's direct quote regarding the community and everyone supporting one another was, "I don't like assholes at my gym." For this reason I decided to go to Crossfit and do a trial class. And it's Crossfit, so there is guaranteed eye candy potential. That never hurts any situation.

image found at

I went to the Crossfit gym. Nick was super cool and explained the philosophy of Crossfit. He talked about how his gym works. He had me do some simple moves to make sure I was doing them correctly. (Squats, push ups, ring rows...) Nothing like doing exercises while a stranger critiques you. Actually, I didn't feel self conscious as all. All was great. I didn't require massive amounts of form fixing. I am really good at following directions.

Nick had me do a short workout, and he timed me. It involved running, squats, push ups, and jumping. Running...I got this. I can run. I have done this millions of time. No big deal. Squats... keep good form in mind, no problem. I can do the amount of squats required. Push I loathe thee. I suck at push ups. I realize that because push ups are difficult for me, I should do them more often in order to improve. This is an even more difficult mental game to play. Oh push ups... there was a time (about a year ago) when I could rock out 2o-25 push ups in a row. It's like our moms were right when they said that we need to do to improve and that practice makes perfect. I hate it when our moms are right. Squat jumps... just ask my friend Chrissie how I feel about jumping at the end of a workout. I think I used words like "Hate" and "Murder" and I am sure even more disgusting words of scorn ran through my mind. The squat jumps in this workout were not actually as bad as anticipated. It took me over 9 minutes to do the workout I had been prescribed.

All in all, it wasn't bad. I never thought I was going to die. (But kinda wanted to end my own life on the third round of pushups.) It was difficult and I pushed myself, but it was a familiar feeling. I have pushed myself like this before. I attest this to my many workouts with Chrissie and Gina (my lovely friends in St. George.) Stairs at Dixie, Filthy Fifty, lunging to the max. I love working out with them because I always push myself and I always do my best. It is more difficult to push myself when I am at my parents house working out alone with commentary from the little bro.

Running stairs at Dixie.
Hiking in SG.
**On a side note, I had a funny memory come up while writing this post. I worked for Juvenile Justice Services for 6 years. I loved it. Loved the kids. Loved so many of my coworkers. In one program, we ran a daily group. One of my coworkers was from Mexico and had a pretty thick accent. To make a long story short, he assigned the kids several "sexercises" for them to complete.The rest of us lost it completely. I was having a difficult time keeping the laugh stifled. Hilarious. Once again, the juvenile delinquents and troubled youth were more mature than the staff. Ah well... it was funny. Hahaha sexercises.


  1. noooo...staff laughing at inappropriate things...never. you made that up.

    btw...props to you doing crossfit. brave.

  2. oh...and crossfit might be for you...lots of least at the crossfit here. but i imagine that might happen everywhere...just sayin'.

  3. You know how I have embraced the scandal...and the sexercises. Hahahahaha. So funny!
