Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Girl's got skills.

Today I recalled one of my greatest talents. I learned it growing up. My sister read about people who do this (I think it was in regards to dysfunctional families. Hahahaha) and was struck with how amazing I am. I do it on purpose, and I do it on accident. It is like second nature to me. It is a talent that has actually become a crutch and hindered me some. But I believe it has served me more than hurt me.

I can disappear. I can be in a room full of people, and I can disappear. I can be in a room with a few people, and I can disappear. I can be at a party, gone. A classroom or training, gone. I can be with friends or family, disappeared. I can be in a room with only 1 person, we can have an hour long conversation and you will know very little about me, but I know your life story... as you walk away you realize that it was almost like I wasn't there. I am not talking about a trick. "A trick is something a whore does for money." I do not mean that I literally disappear like Gob making the Bluth family's yacht disappear. It's an illusion.

I, Jaime Boots, can blend in and go unnoticed. I am so good at it, that I fear talking about it thus people start to notice me more when I am present. I feel like there are times it has become my default response, and I only want to resort to this when doing it on purpose, not to simply check out. I feel it can serve it's purpose when controlled.

Garden State Wallpaper Shirt Image

I have so many examples from my life when I have done this. Here is one that is easy to describe and doesn't throw anyone under the bus. I went to a certain church for 3 years. There was copious amounts of turn over. Some people in and some out. It is inevitable in a college town. However, there were quite a few people who remained constant over the years. Many people use church as a social scene. I have never done this. Many single people are constantly looking around for possible people to date. They hang out with fellow church members even when it is not church related. This is something I rarely do. I do not have a desire to make church my social scene. I want some spiritual lessons, and then I like to bail. I was moving to another area. It was my last Sunday in this specific ward. The man who, every Sunday, sat in front of the congregation and counted people. He tallied the numbers for the church records. The man that was up in the front looking at the congregation every single week for years, asked me, "So...are you new?" I laughed. I laughed hard. I had to brace myself on a table because the ridiculousness of this question was so amazing. So, yeah, I can blend in.

I wonder if there are others who have noticed this about me.

Wait...maybe it isn't that I can blend in...maybe it is that I am just way average and forgettable... Nah that can't be it. I am JAIME F***ING BOOTS!

I LOVE Arrested Development...the show, not actual arrested development.

I would like to point out that there is another version that ends in, "Or candy..."


  1. you quoted one of my favorite lines ever. arrested development is so quotable.

  2. It is amazing! It is my favorite show. I got to use that quote in REAL LIFE once. My friend and I took her 6 year old to Vegas for his birthday. (Yeah, you read that right.) There were dolphins in this one area. The little boy asked the worker, "Do the dolphins do tricks?" The worker responded, "No they are not tricks. They are activities they naturally do in the wild." My friend and I, at the same time, said, "Tricks are something a whore does for money." And then we lost it...

  3. i wish i was cool like the two of you.

    and, is it weird that i am oddly attracted to zach braff...and i follow him on twitter because of it?

    and i would have had mad respect for you, boots, if you would have just used the full eff word.

    just sayin'.

  4. We know you wish you were as cool as we are.

    Yes that is weird (but only kinda)

    I just can't bring myself to do it. Damn this consequential thinking!
